Monday, November 4, 2013

Day Ninety Five

As promised, photos! The first is of the giant mustache on the Co-Op in celebration of "Movember." Basically, they're using "No Shave November" as a way to increase awareness about prostate cancer and raise money for cancer research going on at UT.

A classier Co-Op.

This next one is from the halftime show of the football game last weekend. Dad expertly captured the giant state of Texas formed by Longhorn band. They did a show based off the musical Les Miserables, which means I didn't know any of the songs and had no clue what the significance was of the various images they were creating. Can we go back to Disney themed halftime shows? Cause I identified the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song with no issue at all.


I had to buy a Movember T-shirt. It's a longhorn with a mustache. How could anyone not buy this shirt? The only thing that could have made it better was if they gave him a top hat. And possible a monocle.

A classier longhorn.

Dad after the game, right after we sang Eyes of Texas with the football team. 

Hook 'Em!

Jeff and Krystle drove up to surprise Dad at dinner!

Brother and future sister-in-law.
Mom, I wish you could have been with us! But as you can see, a Longhorn
themed shirt was required.

Tomorrow I attend my first group meeting as an official member of the Shear Group. I'm pretty excited about it! Especially after the train wreck that was today's lab. Every machine malfunctioned, and all the undergrads were asking me how to fix it, and I had absolutely no clue. I don't know how to fix the software or the machine, I'm only here to make sure you don't spray yourself with acid. Through some kind of divine intervention, everyone finished lab in the allotted 3 hours, but we were all pretty frazzled by the end of it. Let's hope that never ever happens again.

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