Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day One Hundred Twelve

Early office hours. No one showed up. Lame. Thank goodness I had my kindle with me to play games on, or I probably would have just fallen asleep on the table.

Still improving on the health front. Now my main issue is a horrible sounding persistent cough (hack) that I'm pretty sure makes everyone want to veer as far away from walking next to me as possible. Oh well, I don't mind the extra personal space. Plus it means no one wants to sit next to me on the shuttle, which gives me more leg room. Bonus!

I had to proctor an exam tonight, which I wasn't thrilled about. But, it all ended up being worth it when I walked to my car, turned around towards campus, and saw this - 

Orange UT Tower

So cool. I've never seen the tower lit up completely orange in person, and it was pretty amazing. I still have no idea what the occasion was, but I don't even care. All I could think was if I hadn't been on campus to proctor an exam that night, I never would have been walking to my car in the dark, and I never would have seen this.

Tomorrow is Friday. Thank goodness. Hopefully by next Monday I'll be completely better and ready to tackle my monstrous 2-day week. That's right, I only have class Monday and Tuesday. My prof is gone Wednesday, which means I get a 5 day Thanksgiving break instead of 4! Dr. Holcombe, you're the best.

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