Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day One Hundred Eighteen

I always underestimate how long grading will take. But, now it's done and I can enjoy the long weekend! And my parents are in town! This weekend is going to be fantastic. And since both sets of grandparents are in Austin, that means two Thanksgiving dinners (one Thursday, one Friday). Two delicious meals in one week that I don't have to pay for? Best thing ever.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but it's also the final UT home football game. No matter what happens though, one roommate will be very happy and one will be very sad. It's unavoidable.

It was another day of doing very little...I slept in, went to get groceries, watched an episode of Grimm, got tired again and took a nap, then went to the airport to pick up the parents before dinner and grading. I love these relaxing days, they don't come nearly enough.

Okay, I need to get my sleep to get ready for the feasting that will happen tomorrow. Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone!

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