Friday, November 15, 2013

Day One Hundred Six

Today. Was. Exhausting. It's been a crazy stressful week, and my brain is still whirring from everything. Thank goodness it's the weekend. But...can we make it longer than two days? Please? I'm tired, and I have family in town, and there's a home football game tomorrow so obviously nothing productive is going to happen during that day.

Jeff came into Austin this morning and immediately conked out when his head hit the pillow. I had to leave for class, but I felt pretty confident he would remain dead to the world for a while. And he did, until my roommate's unexpected midday arrival at the house made him uneasy (footsteps when you aren't expecting them...not comforting), and him opening the door to see what was going on scared the bejeezus out of her. I only wish I could have been home to see it.

I learned that there's a turtle pond on campus today. I didn't believe my friend when she told me about it, but she proved me wrong when she showed me a pond behind the tower with over 50 turtles in it. I stood in disbelief. How did I not know this was here?! It was like discovering the bowling alley on campus all over again.

UT Turtle!

I saw all of my grandparents today. Which was nice, I just wish I wasn't so exhausted when I was talking to them. I'm sure I looked half asleep the entire time. Which is why I'm going to bed. Right. Now.

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