Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day One Hundred Fifteen

It's 35 degrees and rainy outside right now. In Austin. And I love it. There isn't any thunder, so I get to fall asleep to the sound of rain and pretend I'm at home in Olympia. It's so wonderful.

The last home football game for UT is on Thursday, which is kind of bittersweet. I've loved going to games, I'm sad to see the season end! The forecast is predicting a high of 52 degrees, which I can't even believe considering the first home game I went to was 104 degrees at kickoff. Seriously? How does the temperature between the first and last home football game get literally cut in half? It's just bizarre, but I'll take 52 degrees over 104 degrees every day of the week.

My fantasy team is dangerously close to losing this week. I'm not okay with that. It'll all come down to how well the quarterback for the 49ers does tomorrow. Everyone needs to hope he does horribly (or just horrible enough to not score 20+ points). Are you with me?

Today was extremely quiet and uneventful. In other words, it was an awesome Sunday. I went to lunch with the grandparents, did some grocery shopping, then came home and had a mini-Grimm marathon before grading papers.

It was my Mom's birthday today! Happy birthday, Mom! I love you, and can't wait to see you in 2 1/2 days!

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