Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day One Hundred Seven

Game days are so exhausting. And we lost, which was lame. But, Jeff got to go to his first UT game! I wish they could have won for him, but it was still lots of fun. And Dad got to go too! He went with Bob, and they sat nowhere near us, but it was still fun to know we were all there together. The oldest living veteran in the United States was also there, at a spry 107 years old. That was awesome. The game finished with an amazing sunset. Here are some photos.


Jeff had to get a photo in front of Big Bertha. Well, we made Jeff get a
photo in front of Big Bertha. Same thing.

Gorgeous sunset at the end of the game. The state of the game is accurately
represented by all the empty seats. Dad gets photo credit for this.

Dad gets credit for this too. Sunset behind the tower. Amazing.

Both Jeff and Dad leave tomorrow. Which stinks. Thankfully my parents come back soon for Thanksgiving.

Also, we had Kerbey Lane for dinner today. It was so fantastic. Breakfast for dinner will always win.

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