Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day One Hundred Three

Another boring day. I had a group meeting this morning, which is always enjoyable due to the sheer absurdity of what some people in the group say. In contrast to what many people think, scientists are really pretty funny. Though it's entirely possible that we're only funny with each other, as not everyone understands science humor (example - Big Bang Theory). Then I graded papers before class, where I was given back (another) disappointing exam. Argh.

Luckily class was my last obligation for the day, so I just came home and took a nap. Because everything in life can be at least temporarily solved via nap. And...our heater is fixed! No more waking up in a freezing cold house and burrowing under covers instead of getting out of bed. I had another reminder driving to school that I should never let my car use outside air for air circulation. Because you never know when you'll pass a dead skunk on the road, and there is no way to switch that flip fast enough to avoid the smell. It was...not pleasant. People should be given a ticket for running over a skunk. Because when it happens, everyone suffers.

Life decisions are being made. It's been quite a process so far. Growing up is hard! At least I get to see my dad and brother this weekend. I need some family time.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend..........I like that family time with you Allie. Hang in there!
