Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day One Hundred Fourteen

Lesson learned today - Costco on Saturday during the season for Christmas shopping is TOTAL MADNESS. I only bought 6 things, but ended up loitering around the aisles much longer just to avoid the check-out line. I also went to Whole Foods for the first time in a while, and was reminded that their fancy organic brands-I've-never-heard-of are just way over my head. No, I don't want organic singly-wrapped truffles that cost a million dollars, I just want a Reese's Cup. They also had live music in the form of soothing acoustic guitar music. The entire visit was just filled with absurdity.

Then I wasted time watching Grimm (it was wonderful), graded papers (not as wonderful), and went to my roommate's parents house to celebrate her birthday (delicious food). Thank you for feeding me, Herzog family! I had a great time. And thank you Kelly (roommate), for being born today and giving me a valid reason to buy and eat cake. You are the best.

This weekend is going by way too fast.

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