Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day Ninety Seven

I went on a run today for the first time in forever. And now all of me is exhausted and sore. And my brain is exhausted as well, considering I've been reading my Physical Organic textbook all day. So my day has basically, lunch, class, quiz TA, study, come home, run, study, Whataburger Wednesday for dinner, Are you noticing a theme? It's not one that I enjoy. But it has to be done since my exam is on Saturday and I'm completely flustered about it. Nooo!

I learned that I apparently have a celebrity doppleganger today. One of the students I quizzed asked me why I didn't dress up as Lisbeth from Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, since I look just like the actress that plays her, Rooney Mara. I googled her, and I can see it. My roommates apparently can definitely see it, as they looked at a photo of her and went, "What?! That is totally you!" Weird.

I need to sleep. I have early office hours tomorrow. Remind me to never again make the stupid decision of holding 9am office hours.

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