Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day One Hundred Eleven

Guess what? I can finally swallow again without wincing in pain! UT Health Services, you and your prescribed Z-Pack saved me. Thank. Goodness. I'm still on the mend, but the mend is now much more tolerable.

Today was filled with homework and class. And three episodes of Grimm thrown in at the end while I was grading. I love that show and I don't even understand why. It's so bizarre...yet so fantastic.

I get to see my parents in a week! I can't wait, its been way too long since I've seen my mom. And I may have seen my dad just a few days ago, but I'm ready for him to come back also. Now if only I can figure out a way to get my brother here again. Unless he's carrying some new illness I can catch...then he can stay in Arizona. Quasi-strep is more than enough for me this semester. I love you Jeff, even though you're responsible for my miserable state these last few days. Just don't do it again.

Early office hours tomorrow. No one ever let me hold office hours before 10 ever again. The traffic is bad and no one shows up before then anyway. Goodnight.

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