Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day Ninety Four

It's another late post from a very tired grad student. I got to spend most of the day with my dad, which was wonderful. We went to eat at SmashBurger (delicious), went to HEB for groceries (I finally have bread again!), then topped off my gas tank for $2.95/gallon. I honestly never thought I'd see gas go that low in price again, and it's still dropping. My budget is very very happy about this. When we got back to my house, it was time for me to get down to business and write a research proposal for a fellowship I'm applying to. So while I typed away about biosensors, Dad caught up on his Survivor episodes. It felt just like I was back home again, working on homework with my dad relaxing nearby. I liked the feeling. And he comes back in 2 weeks! Yay.     :)

After dropping dad off at the airport, I took a break from proposal writing and went to see a movie with the roomies at Alamo Drafthouse. We saw The Counselor, and it was one of the most confusing, disjointed movies I've ever seen. We walked out of the theater in utter confusion, but made new friends waiting in line for the bathroom as we all talked about our waste of $10 that evening. Then I came back to the house and finished my proposal. Woohoo! I sent it off to my advisor to look over...hopefully he doesn't think it's utter nonsense.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. It's lab day. Let's all pray that no one breaks anything or injures themself.

I'm doing this update via smart phone. I tried attaching a photo of the mustache on the co-op with a sheet over it (I took it before the grand unveiling). If it doesn't show up, I promise to post it and more photos tomorrow!

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