Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day One Hundred Eight

Jeff gave me his cold. Not cool, big brother. Not cool. This means that I took a long nap in early afternoon and was just generally unaware of everything for the rest of the day. DayQuil, good for a cold, not good for focus. Tomorrow should be an interesting day due to this. Hopefully I'm at least semi aware of what's going on in the lab I TA.

Dad and Jeff left today, which I didn't enjoy. But...both my parents come back in a week and a half and I get to see Jeff over Christmas, so it was a little easier to say goodbye this time. I'm getting really good at this airport drive, thank goodness it's only 25 minutes away (on a no traffic day). Speaking of traffic, it was monstrous in downtown Austin today due to the Formula One race this weekend. Austin has the only Formula One race track in the United States, which is good for the state's economy, but makes going downtown and going to the airport a complete nightmare all weekend. Luckily, my dad showed me a way to cut through a side street downtown to avoid the majority of the highway traffic. Those are some of the best tricks to learn.

I can't stop yawning. I take this as a sign I should just go to bed.

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