Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day One Hundred Nineteen

Happy Thanksgiving! And happy UT-won-tonight! Overall, awesome day with good food and good times with family. The temperature at the game tonight dropped to the low 40s, and my friend Natalie and I went in search of anything warm. We went to the team store in search of a blanket (the didn't have any), looked at buying extra clothes for layering (they were way too expensive), and when we decided that we would just freeze in an effort to save money, we stumbled across a short line for hot chocolate. This was an unexpected find, considering the two other hot chocolate lines had a wait time of 30+ minutes (everyone was cold). This was in stark contrast to the first home game of the season, when all I wanted was something cold, and had to settle for luke-warm water. I can't say I expected the temperature to change quite this drastically from the first home game to the last.

Here are photos from the game tonight. I would post photos of our Thanksgiving meal earlier, but let's be one wants to look at a photo of themselves eating.

Watching drumline warm up at tailgate. 

Pre-game sunset.

I decided to go all out for the final home game and wear eye-blacks.

Natalie and I.

Why yes, that is a football player wearing a cowboy hat and marching with
the band. And yes, it was the best thing ever.

Dad and I, grateful for hot chocolate!


Dad with the orange tower.

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