Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day One Hundred

I've officially lived in Austin one hundred days. Triple digits. What better way to celebrate than a Physical Organic exam at 9am? But moving on, because I don't want to think about the exam anymore now that it's over.

I celebrated my 100 day milestone with...Wurstfest! Wurstfest is a giant German-centric festival with food (pretty much all of which is fried...and delicious...), live music, and copious amounts of alcohol. While I did not partake in the alcohol portion of the event, I can tell you that the majority of the people there did. To the extreme. And when I say extreme, I mean multiple-pitchers-for-one-person extreme. It was madness. There were also carnival rides. But I didn't do those either. I'm saving my carnival ride money for the Texas State Fair.

A big, BIG thanks goes out to my parent's friend Charlie, who graciously provided Kelly and I with tickets to Wurstfest, saving us precious money. We had a great time!

Then we stopped at Buc-ee's on the way home. Because it has super nice bathrooms. And delicious snacks. And it's GIANT and has over 100 gas pumps. And we found a Buc-ee statue outside. Things just kept getting better.


Listening to live music in the main tent. Note the giant stack of beer
pitchers behind me.

I think we make pretty good looking giraffes.

Official Wurstfest guys.

It's Buc-ee!

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