Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day One Hundred Ten

Still sick. But now on antibiotics and hopefully on the mend. It's been a long time since my throat has been this painful, and I'm ready for it to get better. I'm also ready to not have my voice crack every time I speak. That's been fun.

I went to school for a while today, and in hindsight it may have been a little too soon. But I got a visit to the health center in, which was definitely good. I swear, the UT health center is like a mini hospital on campus. It's seriously impressive, and nothing like the transformed-dorm-room health center I had in undergrad (that isn't even a joke). The doc I saw here had his eyes closed whenever he spoke directly to me though, which was weird. I'm still not sure what to make of that.

Hopefully I'm in less of a daze tomorrow. It would be nice to actually comprehend what is being taught to me in class.

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