Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day One Hundred Fifty

I did research this morning. And I may have fallen asleep on my laptop at one point. Oops. But then the Seahawks game came on and I perked right back up again. Seahawks win! SEAHAWKS WIN! Four out of the five people in the house were sporting their Hawks jerseys (Mom........). Side note - thanks to Alaska Airlines signing Russell Wilson as their official spokesperson, if I wear my Russell Wilson jersey to the airport I get priority boarding. Russell, you come through for me once again. Now we all just need to cross our fingers for a Longhorn win tomorrow in the Alamo Bowl, and all will be right in the world.

After the game ended I headed off to Puyallup to meet up with my best friend Amanda. We exchanged Christmas gifts and quickly learned that we both got each other mugs. Great minds. Then we went to Zoolights at Point Defiance Zoo, and it made me laugh that we ended up parking in the "Duck" section of the parking lot after the duck mob I got caught in yesterday at Tumwater Historical Park. A very nice woman gave us one of her extra tickets, so we only had to split the cost of one ticket to get in. The sheer amount of Seahawks jerseys and sweatshirts and hats present at Zoolights was amazing, I loved it. We took lots of photos and pet some stingrays. The whole night was pretty fantastic.

12th Man Tree!

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