Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day One Hundred Thirty Three

I helped proctor the undergrad's final tonight. Longest hour and a half OF MY LIFE. All we do is stand and stare at 60 students taking a test. And watch the clock as our life passes before our eyes. For the last 20 minutes of it I just stood in the back of the room and stretched in an attempt to stay awake. Who holds a final from 7pm-10pm anyway?! Madness.

Other then that today was pretty uneventful. I went to Goodwill in search of an ugly sweater, and failed to find one. Why must you fail me now, Goodwill? And why does Goodwill always smell so weird? One of the mysteries of life. Then I went to H.E.B., where I was very excited to see that gas had once again dropped below $3/gallon. Awesome.

Tomorrow I grade the exam I helped proctor tonight. I should probably get some sleep so I can stay awake for that...

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