Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day One Hundred Twenty Six

It was my last official office hour today for the semester. Lesson learned...never hold 9am office hours. No one comes and I get stuck in traffic. So today, I was productive in the form of reading emails and finding out that John Mayer is playing on campus tomorrow. Don't worry, I quickly consulted with the roomie and bought tickets. First row of the mezzanine. SCORE. I can't wait!!! I started my trip to Austin with a John Mayer concert in Washington, and now I'm ending my first semester with John Mayer. Best thing ever.

Then my day was pretty uneventful. I did have Whataburger for dinner, which is always a happy way to end the day. Now I'm wondering why I'm still awake. WHY AM I STILL AWAKE?! Grad school is ruthless. I blame that.

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