Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day One Hundred Twenty Eight

Today, I did essentially nothing until 2:00pm. And even then, I only left the house to go to the Avant's to watch the UT vs. Baylor football game (which determined who the Big 12 champs would be). In case you didn't watch, it was REAL disappointing. If you taped it and haven't watched it yet...just don't do it. I tried to grade lab reports while I watched it, but it was way too distracting and I only got 4 reports graded in 3 hours. So...not exactly productive (oops).

Then I came home and turned right around to go to a surprise party for my roommate's Aunt. Surprise, Kelly's Aunt, you don't know me and I'm in your house! It was full of Kelly's relatives, and I had some serious bonding time with her Uncle that used to live in Alaska. Then I learned that he and his wife both went to the same high school as my parents, and they even vaguely remembered them. That was unexpected. It was also unexpected when he got up to get a drink and I noticed he had a gun strapped on him that I wasn't even aware of. Turns out becoming buddies with him made me the safest person in the room. Yeah! I had a good time, even though the frosting on the birthday cake left a sketchy aftertaste in my mouth.

Tomorrow...I upgrade my laptop to a new operating system. Wish me luck.

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