Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day One Hundred Thirty Nine

Guys, I just found out I got a B in my Advanced Analytical class. And I have never been so happy to get a B in my entire life. This means I don't go on academic probation (which happens if you get a B- or below), keep my TA position, and continue to be funded by the school. I was so worried about this (as were all my fellow first years), and I was so happy to see my B that I actually cried. I can finally relax...until spring semester.

Today was low key, considering I'm in an arm brace and my mom is in a leg brace. We somehow made it to Pier One, but that was the only venture outside the house. The rest of the day was filled with reading, writing Christmas cards, and watching Psych The Musical (which was just as wonderfully ridiculous as I thought it would be).

It's 2am my time. And I recently took Advil PM for my arm. Sleep is coming on fast.

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