Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day One Hundred Forty Nine

I need to stop sleeping in. It feels fantastic, but when I have to go back to Austin...the switch to Central Time Zone is just not going to be pleasant.

We went to The Ram for lunch today, one of my favorite places to eat. And now it's even better, as I learned a new cake/pastry shop opened up right next door to it. Um, hello dessert. One delicious peanut butter cookie later, we headed off to Tumwater Historical Park to take photos by the old brewery. Once we walked down to the water...the ducks converged. It was crazy. I'm used to birds running and flying away from me, not swimming as fast as they can towards where people are. It seems these ducks are used to being fed (this could also be seen by their impressive size). Not wanting to disappoint them, I found some crackers in my purse...and proceeded to make some new bird-best-friends. It was weird and wonderful all at once.

The giant white duck and I had a connection.

I think he wanted to join the family.

They were literally everywhere.

The rest of the day was spent eating delicious halibut for dinner, watching movies, reading, and playing cards. Do I have to go back to real life?

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