Monday, December 16, 2013

Day One Hundred Thirty Seven

Today started with an early lunch at Kerbey Lane with the Avants. I took their Christmas gift to surprise them with (a candle and a restaurant gift card), then we all laughed when they presented me with my Christmas gift, which was...a candle and a restaurant gift card! Great minds. Lunch was delicious though, and exactly what I needed before packing my bag for my trip home tomorrow. Tomorrow!!! I can't wait!

After packing I went to meet up with some of the people I met last night at the devo to play sand volleyball. And, as my life usually goes, I lost my footing in the sand, fell backwards, and had pain shoot up my arm, with the worst centered around my wrist. Awesome. Luckily my roommate showed up at the park right as I was walking to my car and was able to drive me to an urgent care clinic. Thank you, Austin Immediate Care, for being awesome and open late. I got x-rays, nothing appears broken, so I gave the doctor a high five (with my good arm). Now I'm rocking an super fancy splint (courtesy of Austin Immediate Care) and taking copious amounts of Advil. Happy holidays to me.

But I get to go home tomorrow! Yay! And Austin has made sure I will remember it via wrist splints and arm pain. Thanks Texas. Thanks.

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