Friday, December 6, 2013

Day One Hundred Twenty Seven

I vacuumed today. This was actually really exciting, because I haven't had time to do that in a week and it was driving me crazy. I feel like there's nothing more successful at instant gratification then vacuuming. Oh I see you dust bunny...and in two seconds, you will literally disappear.

Other than the excitement that came with vacuuming, the day was pretty uneventful until about 7pm. There was some grocery shopping, a doctor's appointment, and then....John Mayer concert. I was so distracted all day because all I could think about was how amazing tonight was going to be. And it didn't disappoint. I may have seen him just earlier this year during the same tour, but half of the set list was different songs with this show. At the concert tonight, he played my favorite song ever - Why Georgia. I was unspeakable happy.

You know what else made tonight awesome? Free parking! My UT parking permit came in handy tonight, as we were able to park in reserved permit parking at no charge one block away from the arena. John Mayer, thank you for holding your concert in a UT venue, and thank you for making an otherwise rough week end in such an amazing way.

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