Friday, December 20, 2013

Day One Hundred Forty One

It was snowy outside this morning! I love it. Now let's just hope that we get a little more on Christmas day...not enough that the whole city freaks out, but just enough to have a white Christmas. Could that happen? Please?

Unfortunately the snow is all gone now, thanks to the persistent rain all day. Such is life. Today was full of shopping and relaxing by the fire. For anyone who hasn't had the chance to warm up next to a woodstove fire, it is one of the most relaxing things in the world. Shopping five days before Christmas...not so relaxing. My dad and I were champs though, braving both Costco and Target today (and Safeway, but we go there so often that it just doesn't even count anymore). And since it was my dad and I, we were unable to leave Costco without muffins. Seriously, who in their right mind leaves Costco without muffins? No one, that's who.

I ordered textbooks today, which was especially painful since my budget is so tight this time of year (along with everyone else's). It's another book written by one of the current professors at UT, which just blows my mind. This guy, Dr. Allen Bard, is considered the father of modern day electrochemistry and was awarded the National Medal of Science from the President (of the United States). And I walk the same halls as him. Insanity. But so awesome.

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