Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day One Hundred Thirty Two

I had my last TA meeting of the semester today, and had to turn in my lab keys. It was slightly bittersweet (they're cutting analytical TA positions, so who knows if I'll TA this class again), but I'm happy that my keychain is slightly less heavy and has one less identical key. Seriously, why do all of the keys for everything at that school have to look exactly the same? We talked about things to change for next year and laughed about the outrageous length of some of the lab reports we received.

Then I came home and read. Read a book I actually wanted to read...not a textbook. I haven't gotten to do this in a long, long time, so it felt amazing. I plan to go back to it after this post. Woohoo!

Then I went back to campus, but only after picking up Kelly so we could go bowling at the Union. For two games and shoe rental, it cost us $6 each. Um, what? That's amazingly cheap. We were pretty happy, especially when we found out that Kelly got the same student discount as me because I had my UT ID on me. That card has come in handy more than once. After both games, we were reminded that neither of us has any future in professional bowling. It was really fun though, and we didn't even use bumpers. Though at times those probably would have been very helpful.

Look at that stance! If only it helped me actually bowl better.

Kelly's stance. Okay, she only did this twice, but it was worth

Just. Barely. Won. No one needs to see the score from the first
was less than impressive.

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