Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day One Hundred Twenty Nine

I went to the gym today for the first time in a while. And my arms and legs have felt like noodles all day because of it. But, it felt good to go, and for once the TVs weren't playing soap operas, so I got to watch downhill skiing qualifiers instead. Why are winter sports so hypnotizing? I'm ready for the Winter Olympics. Now. Even though I know it'll just reignite my vigor to one day try curling. That isn't even a joke, just ask my family.

After the gym I settled in to watch the Seahawks, where my heart was subsequently broken. Colin ruin my day one again! Atleast the Saints won, and as long as Matt Forte gets me 6 points in his game tomorrow, the Moonsnails will have won. Come on Matt Forte...this is alllll resting on you buddy.

It is both weird and wonderful knowing I don't have class tomorrow. And I get to go home in 9 days. I. Can't. Wait.

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