Friday, December 13, 2013

Day One Hundred Thirty Four

Guess what? Grading only took me 3 1/2 hours! That may sound like a long time, but where these exams are concerned that is seriously fast. Especially since I was grading two problems per exam instead of the normal one problem. I lucked out and got the two shortest problems on the exam, thank goodness. I love when things work out that way. I was able to get home by 2:30pm (I was mentally prepared to be grading until 5pm, so this was awesome) and get a nap in before dinner at my grandpa's house.

Then, time for dinner with grandpa and Mary. We had fish, baked red potatoes, broccoli, and salad, and it was absolutely delicious. I love spending time with them, and it was great to have some one-on-one time with both. It's nights like tonight that make me feel so blessed to be living so close to extended family that I rarely got to see before I moved to Austin. And I get to see them again tomorrow! We're going to the UT vs. Texas State basketball game. It'll be my first UT home basketball game, and I can't wait!

Final note - I fly home in 4 days. I'm so happy. I miss you, Washington.

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