Monday, December 2, 2013

Day One Hundred Twenty Three

Today was my last day of teaching lab this semester. It was really bittersweet, I'm going to miss my students! Two of them gave me hugs, one of them told me he loved science again (sarcastically, but he said he really enjoyed me being his TA), and another wants to know what section I'm teaching next semester so her friend could take me. It was really nice. Until one of them came over and showed me he sliced his hand open. Seriously? On the last day of lab? We weren't even doing anything! So much for my bloodless semester. He handled it like a champ though.

Then I went shopping at the mall for software for my laptop and gifts for my roommates. I got suckered in to a make-up kiosk, where I was told by the Russian man running it that I was lazy for not wearing make-up and my lack of make-up was probably why I didn't have a boyfriend. I probably would have been offended if it wasn't so completely absurd. It was so hard for me to contain my laughter during the entire thing. The make-up looks great though, so I can't fault him there.

Seahawks winnnnn! Awesome way to end the day. But now I have to study for my exam...not so awesome. Goodnight.

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