Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day One Hundred Forty Six

Christmas. I love Christmas. Especially when I get a present like my brother and future sister-in-law coming home for a few days. The Advil PM I took last night for my arm made me sleep in longer than usual for Christmas morning, which was a weird feeling. I still remember being little and getting in trouble with my brother for waking up our parents waaaay too early so we could open gifts, and now they're the ones that have to wait for me to wake up. Oh how the tables have turned.

My parents and I opened a few gifts this morning, but waited to open most of them until my brother got home this evening, because it just didn't feel right opening every gift without him there. There were definitely some gifts this year that were unexpected, and all of them were completely wonderful. The most unexpected...a giant metal rendering of a serotonin molecule. I. Love. It. I have a necklace with the same molecule, and have made multiple crafts using it as a design. What makes it even better is it was custom made by a local artist. Man that makes metal art pieces at the Farmer's Market...I love you.

Overall, it was a relaxing day with my family, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I even got my annual Christmas nap in. Even a bulky arm brace that impeded my wrapping-paper-removal abilities couldn't damper the wonderfulness of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you Allie! And best wishes for a VERY happy and prosperous New Year! Love you.......... Dad
    Oh, and one final thing............Go Hawks! :)
