Friday, December 27, 2013

Day One Hundred Forty Seven

The day after Christmas. Also known as recover-from-Christmas day. I got my belated Christmas gift to myself in the form of my Electrochemistry textbook for next semester. Yay? It's one of the smaller chemistry textbooks I've possessed, but I know better than to assume that a small textbook makes for easier reading. My brother read a couple sentences from it, and I'm pretty sure he butchered about half the words. It's okay Jeff, it's basically a foreign language, even to those of us studying it.

Since Jeff and Krystle got in after dinner time yesterday, we had our giant Christmas feast today instead. It was delicious, thank you mom! We now have enough left over ham to last us well into the new year. Then we all indulged in some Christmas movies and progressive rummy (a card game). I'm pretty sure Krystle bested us in all of the games, causing my dad to burn all of the scoresheets. Dad, you're lucky we live in a place that has a wood stove, or you would be out of luck. Krystle, welcome to the family. Then we played Battle of the Sexes, and per usual...the women were victorious. Even though we're all still impressed (and confused) at how my father knew that YSL stood for Yves Saint Laurent. All those years of watching Project Runway are paying off. I always knew they would.

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