Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day Fifty Eight

I had Saturday class today. At 9am. For 2 1/2 hours. It was rough. I made it without falling asleep, which I consider a personal victory. As I was walking back to my car I saw a squirrel on one of the stairwells that appeared to be dead, but as I looked closer I realized he was just sprawled out on his tummy trying to cool down. It was adorable, and I was relieved it was breathing. Then, I took a nap (naturally) before going out to lunch with the Avants at Jason's Deli. Oh Jason's Deli, you're one of my favorite places to eat ever. Ever. Unlimited mini cornbread muffins. I love it.

The rest of the day was filled with a trip to Target and more Breaking Bad. And a little Nsync (this is not a joke). After watching a few episodes of Breaking Bad, I was craving some 90s boy band music, and luckily I have an Nsync concert DVD. I'm so relieved that I never felt too cool for it and got rid of it. That would have been a tragedy. Lance Bass, you will always be my favorite boy bander. 

It rained today. Yesssss. It may make things humid and muggy, but I love walking in it when it's not thundering and shooting down lightning bolts. And I'm always the only one outside, because people here do not know how to handle precipitation. They won't even walk through puddles. Or on wet pavement. My goodness. I was driving home one day when it started to rain, and it was like Moses parted the traffic for me. Everyone exited immediately.

Tomorrow it's Seahawks day! And they're playing the Texans. Let's do this, Russell Wilson.

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