Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day Forty

Lesson learned today - do not take a shower and immediately proceed to put a fitted sheet on your bed. The fitted sheet will always win and make you just as sweaty as you were before you took your shower in the first place. Well played, fitted sheet.

That being said, this post will probably be pretty short (considering I only left the house once, and that was to get the mail). For any of you thinking "Gasp! She's skipping classes?!," don't worry. My class was cancelled today. I took my brand new IBS medication for the first time this morning, and even though I'm only one day in I have high hopes once the side effects diminish. If this ends up working...Dr. Paxton, you are my new hero.

Other things I did today were...wash sheets, wash dishes, finish homework for physical organic, watch Project Runway, and take a nap. I know, your heart is racing with how exciting my day was. But it felt good to get so much done. Oh, and Otter killed a rat. I had nothing to do with this, but it was definitely a moment that stood out when I saw the thing on the back porch. Good job Otter, next time just hide your carcasses in the bushes. Thankfully my landlord was over at the time so I got him to dispose of it. Ew.

At the end of the day I got an email from one of the students in the lab I TA for. It's like I'm a real teacher! I'm glad some of them already feel comfortable reaching out for help. Hopefully I'm able to answer their questions correctly, cause it would get real embarrassing if I didn't.

I'll finish with random photos, because I got a specific request for them today.

It's hard to believe that this was taken over a year ago during a visit to UT,
when actually attending school here for a PhD was just a dream.

I got a text from my best friend Amanda today, who I
miss SO MUCH. She's being a rock star in her own
post-undergrad program.

And last, I miss my dog. Because let's face it, she's the cutest thing in the
entire world.

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