Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day Forty Five

You can blame homework and the Seahawks for keeping me up so late. But the Hawks won! Which definitely makes up for the horrible UT loss yesterday. And my fantasy team won again. The Moonsnails are completely dominating this year.

I had to say goodbye to Dad today as he flew home to Washington. I'm not sure this process will ever get any easier. The weekend was so great though, and I'm already excited for when he comes next (early November). Today we went to the Co-Op, had lunch with Bob Avant at Kerbey Lane Cafe (mmmmm), ran to HEB, and relaxed at my house. It was a way more low-key day then yesterday, which was much needed. But once I got home from taking him to the airport, it was all about homework that I had neglected to do all weekend in favor of family and football (totally worth it). Tomorrow I'll have to answer a bunch of emails from students in my lab, who are already stuffing my inbox with questions. We haven't even done a full lab yet! Calm down, biochemists and chemical engineers!

I need to go to bed, so I'll just post a bunch of photos from yesterday and call it good. I miss you already Dad! Are you sure you don't want to come back next weekend? Or possibly every weekend? Or you and Mom could just move here? Food for thought.

Dad and I outside Welch. His old stomping ground, my new stomping

With my parents friend from high school and college, Patti Brookshire.


Dad with two legendary conductors for UT, Vincent R. DiNino and
Jerry Junkin. They were dressed up for the occasion. 


Big Bertha! Love that drum.

I got one step closer to my dream of playing Big Bertha. Holding the
Q-tip (drum stick)!

The cutest K-9 unit I have ever seen.

Getting ready to go in the stadium.

Throw your horns up! Pre-game.

Band and football team.

Me and Katelyn, a fellow chemistry PhD-er.

Dad and I at the game! Such a great time.

HEB run today. I'm not sure why we documented this with a photo.

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