Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day Forty Eight

In the continuing saga that is the house I live in, the shower in the hallway bathroom (the one Kelly and I use on a daily basis) is now broken once again. Well, it isn't broken if you want to take a shower using only hot water, but you couldn't pay me to do that. Especially here, where it's always a million degrees outside. My goodness.

After a day off, it was kind of hard getting in my car to drive to campus today. I started my day with a TA meeting with all the analytical lab TAs and the lab director. These aren't exciting, but they're informative. Today I asked about a question from the lab exercise I'm grading that I'm expecting some battles on from students. It's a multiple choice answer, and I think two of the answers can have valid arguments. He looked at me like I was crazy, and I told him that if I were a student and I was marked wrong on that question, you can bet I'd fight back about it. I think he's relieved I was never a student in one of his labs. He said that if they had a problem with it, just send them to him. Okay then.

Then I had class. We talked about equilibrium, which is the exact same thing we're talking about in my other class. Sweet! Only half the studying necessary! Then my professor went off on a Le Chatelier's Principle tangent that left us all confused. Even more confused then some of you are right now just reading that last sentence. And we have an exam in that class next week. All on statistics. Not fun.

My day finished with a trip to Dripping Springs for the high school's homecoming parade. I thought I would be watching the parade. Surprise, I'd be riding in one of the trucks pulling a float in the parade. And it was the float for the freshman class officers, and they were loud. We got there around 5pm, then the float (and I use the term float very loosely) was decorated. We set off at 6:40pm and drove down one street for 15 minutes. Then it was over. I couldn't help but laugh. It made the Lakefair parade in Olympia look like Mardi Gras. Here's a couple photos from this crazy event.

The freshman football team was right in front of us. And for
football players, they had horrible aim when throwing candy.

The "float" we pulled. This is about as fancy as it got (not a joke).

Tomorrow I get to see Sara Bareilles and OneRepublic in concert! I cannot wait.

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