Monday, September 2, 2013

Day Thirty Two

I had four things planned for today. Go to the gym, get groceries at HEB, do laundry, and read my textbook for class. Sounds simple, right? laundry may have gone in 10 minutes ago (it's 10:30pm) and my textbook may be on my bed next to me. Oops. But hey, I got my gym and HEB run done this morning. At least I didn't neglect everything until the last minute. I haven't been to the gym in two weeks, and considering yesterday was a really tough homesick day, I figured some exercise would do me good. Then I remembered I was going golfing this afternoon also. But don't worry, I napped like a pro between the two. Walking up the stairs to my class should be super fun tomorrow.

Today was pretty much my day with the Avant family. Louise and Elizabeth met me at the gym, and Bob took me out to golf. I've really enjoyed spending time with all of them, and am excited that I live so close to such a fun and caring family. And let's face it, without Bob our living room TV wouldn't work. Even my roommates know this. Thank you thank you thank you.

It was a high of 100 degrees outside today. So naturally, we went to golf at the hottest part of the day at 4:30pm. Our timing may have been a little flawed. And since it was labor day, the par 3 course we played was packed. I quickly learned that this was a par 3 course with no rules. And no semblance of the golf etiquette I've come to love. I still had lots of fun, but it was definitely an unexpected experience. Want to wheel around a gigantic cooler full of beer with you? Go ahead. Want to golf in groups of 8 to 10? No problem! Want to stagger around drunk with no shirt on hitting your golf ball erratically? Come on over. And each hole was packed together like sardines, so you were basically always in danger of getting hit by a poorly hit golf ball. And with the amount of beer being consumed on that course, there were quite a few poorly hit golf balls. Both Bob and I played pretty well. I almost got a hole in one (seriously), which got everyone excited - even the giant-cooler-toting group of 7 ahead of us. And when we returned to Bob's car after the round, he didn't have any new golf ball shaped dents in his car, which we were also excited about (there isn't any barrier between the place where people park and the holes). It was a weird round of golf, but I still had a great time. But maybe next time we can play when it's not in the triple digits.

The day ended with a fantasy football draft. Another football season, another season for the Carnivorous Moonsnails! I got Drew Brees, which is really my only goal every season, so I'm a happy girl. I'm excited to see how the season goes, and with my dad, brother, and aunt all in the league, there will definitely be some Myers bragging rights up for grab each week.

I think I've avoided my textbook all I can today. I need to actually read some of it. Tomorrow will be what feels like my 17th trip to the County Assessors office to register my car. It better go through without a hitch this time.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in fantasy football. I'll be watching down at you and the others from the top of the standings!
