Friday, September 20, 2013

Day Fifty

This feels like a milestone. Fifty days in Austin! I can't believe it's already been this long, yet at the same time it feels like it's been forever since I left Washington and all it's rain and tall trees and hippies. I miss you, Washington.

We got a little taste of Washington today with torrential downpours all morning and afternoon. It was remnants of a hurricane, so I can't say I've ever experienced this particular type of rain. At one point I had to run in the backyard to grab Otter's kennel, and my roommate looked at me with a very worried expression and said, "Are you sure you want to go out there? It's really raining." I just looked at her and responded with, "Did you forget where I moved here from?" I'm happy to say the kennel and the dog are now safe and sound from any lightning in the garage. Also, I didn't go to class today, because the roads between me and campus were flooded. This poses a problem for my small, close-to-the-ground car. I did laundry and graded papers instead.

Going back to yesterday, the concert last night was amazing. I can't think of a better way to start out my Austin concert run then seeing two of my favorite artists play at Austin City Limits Live with my roommates. We had such a good time, had incredible seats, and it wasn't even raining for our walk to and from the car. Best night ever.

Tonight was another awesome night, as I went to see Jeff Dye at a comedy club with my roommate Kelly. Luckily the rain and thunder lightened up for our drive, and when we got there we were surprised to find out the tickets we reserved were for the table right in front of the stage. In an I-propped-my-purse-against-the-stage kind of way. Jeff Dye was hilarious, and while he frequently made eye contact with the people at the tables in the front, he never talked to us directly. Whew! We did get a photo with him after the show, where he said "Hey! Front row!" We were pretty happy to be recognized. And now we're both in love with him.

Front. Row.

Jeff Dye.

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