Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day Thirty Seven

This is how my day has been - I had Physical Organic class from 9 to noon (yes, on a Saturday...the first of many), came home to find our air conditioner broken, Otter peed on the floor three times, and UT is currently failing at football. And on top of all of that I have a flu shot mini-fever. Needless to say, the day has been less than ideal. But I'm watching the game at the Avant's house with Bob and Louise, so if I ignore the horrible football game on TV the day has ended on a good note. Thanks Avants! I always enjoy hanging out with you both.

The day began with school. How wrong for a Saturday morning. Two hours and forty-five minutes of Physical Organic chemistry. There were a few moments I seriously struggled to stay awake, but I definitely wasn't the only one which made me feel less guilty. The prof scheduled a 9am class on the weekend, he probably half-expected a bunch of tired faces. The class would have gone the entire three hours if the emergency alarm hadn't have gone off, requiring everyone to evacuate Welch Hall. We all jumped about 3 feet in the air, including the professor. I'm not sure what caused it, could have been a fire, chemical spill, flood, electrical issue...basically anything. Then I stopped by the Co-Op and got myself a shirt that was on deep sale as a reward for coming to class and staying awake on a Saturday morning.

The rest of the day was filled with HEB, a nap, and Target. Everything but the nap cost me money. Why is life so expensive? It's especially painful considering I still don't get a paycheck until early to mid October. Thank goodness I decided to get a job during undergrad and save money.

The Longhorns are still doing miserable. I was hoping that as I wrote this blog the game would make a miraculous turn around. This is not so. Both Texas Tech and Texas A&M won though, so at least my roommates are happy. I'll just hold out hope for a Seahawks win tomorrow. Come on Russell Wilson! You know I love you, don't let me down.

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