Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day Thirty Eight

Today was a very lazy Sunday. And hopefully the final recovery day from my flu shot. I can deal with the sore arm, but the overall icky feeling for 2 days I could live without. But in good news, our air conditioning works again! Bob Avant, you are our hero. Also, both my football teams won (the Seahawks and the Saints), which made up for UT's horrible horrible loss last night. Thank you Russell Wilson and Drew Brees for redeeming this football weekend. Also, my fantasy football team is totally kicking butt. Yeah Moonsnails!

Don't worry, I still found time to study and do homework (during commercial breaks). And I made a pretty impressive set-up for my dual football-homework afternoon. Check it out, it made my father very proud. Saints on the TV, Seahawks on the computer, Physical Organic on the music stand.

Music stands - the multipurpose furniture.

I get to meet my lab section tomorrow. And possibly get the official paperwork signed to become a permanent member of a lab group. Basically, tomorrow has the potential to be a very big day. I am excited and nervous all at once. But it gives me a chance to break out my lab coat, which I haven't gotten to do yet. Hopefully my lab coat conveys a sense of "we may be the same age, but listen to me!" to all the students in my section.

Pretty much the only other thing I did today besides watch football and do homework was clean and do laundry. And just bask in our re-air conditioned home. Oh! And I talked to my brother on the phone, which always makes my day 100 times better. He comes to San Antonio soon for a rotation, and I cannot wait to have him so close by. dad comes back to Austin in 5 days! It'll be nice to have that to look forward. Not even the heat can bring me down this week.  :-)

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