Friday, September 13, 2013

Day Forty Three

It's late. I'm tired. This post will be short. Dad's in Austin! He's staying at Hotel Avant while he's here, which is conveniently only a mile away from me. Woohoo! He got in two hours later than expected, which gave me time to come home and relax after class...which I definitely didn't hate. And, being the best daughter ever, I had Whataburger ready for him in the car when he got off the plane. And now my car smells like fried chicken. Oh Dad, the sacrifices I make for you. After the airport we went straight to my grandpa's house and had a great time chatting and relaxing.

I slept in today until 8:45, and it was just the best thing ever. I got to school around 11:30 and ran into a friend of mine, who somehow convinced me to attend the class she's TAing with her. It's taught by the same professor who teaches the advanced analytical class I'm in, and it was pretty funny to see how different his teaching style is between his undergrad and grad level classes. With the grad students, he is way more laid back and sarcastic. I love it.

Tomorrow is game day! Which means it's also tailgate day! And it's not supposed to be in the triple digits like the last home game! So many good things. Now let's just hope we win. As my shuttle driver said this morning, "Your boys are in biiiiig trouble. What they need right now is prayer." Well, Mr. Shuttle Driver, I'm praying. Don't you worry.

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