Friday, September 27, 2013

Day Fifty Seven

You will not believe what I learned today. UT has a bowling alley on campus. And it only costs students $1.50 to play. This may be the best news I've received all week. Thank you Natalie, for introducing me to this hidden gem that I literally had no clue existed. They also have poker tables, which is exciting since there are no casinos anywhere in the state of Texas. Which is lame. I miss having Little Creek Casino only 20 minutes away, that was fun. Washington, you spoiled me in so many ways, and I never even knew it until now.

My potential advisor meeting went really well, and he asked me to meet with him again early next week, so I'm hopeful that this means I didn't scare him away from the idea of accepting me into his group. I was nervous. He could probably tell. Oops.

Then I had lunch with Natalie (where the bowling alley discovery took place), and we walked to the most technologically advanced fast food restaurant I've ever seen. It was a Chick-Fil-A with walk-up order windows outside and multiple drive thru lanes where the food is delivered via conveyer belt. It was ridiculous. There wasn't any indoor seating though, which seems unwise for a eating establishment in Texas...where it always seems to be a million degrees outside. Nice try, Chick-Fil-A.

Then it was time for me to go to class. The same class that had the exam last night that everyone failed (my professor actually confirmed this fact to us today). We were certainly all feeling good about ourselves after that, bombing our first ever grad school exam. Wonderful. I ordered two more analytical chemistry textbooks online this afternoon to help me study for the upcoming exams, so hopefully this epic exam fail never happens again.

It may be Friday, but my school week isn't over yet. That's right, tomorrow I have Saturday class! Yay! What better way to spend 3 hours on a Saturday morning? So, it's time to go to bed, that way I don't fall asleep during said class. Or hopefully don't fall asleep. You never know.

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