Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day Thirty Five

After a week and a half of classes I've learned that come lunchtime, there is nowhere to sit and eat in Welch Hall. The undergrads are everywhere. So, I've deemed NHB (Norman Hackerman Building) my lunchtime destination. Luckily, it's just right across the street, and the air conditioning works better in NHB than Welch. So, it's really a win-win situation. There was no party in the plaza today, and no guy dressed as a giant sperm, so today was already less eventful than yesterday. Today was bloodmobile day instead. A worthy cause, but not as exciting as booth after booth of free things.

In class today I realized I basically sit in my own little multi-cultural section. The girl in front of me is from Jordan, the guy behind me is from England, and the guy next to me is from Japan. Most of the students are from the US, but apparently the seat I chose just happened to be where all the international students also decided to sit. It's been really cool though talking about how different our culture and education system is from theirs. The girl from Jordan complained about how hot it is here. That kind of confused me. It's ridiculously hot here, but I just always assumed the middle east was even hotter. It appears I was wrong. Congrats Texas, you annoy everyone with your unrelenting sun.

After class I had my meeting with a potential research advisor. He does amazing research regarding tissue regeneration, but he soon told me that he would likely be leaving UT for another school come next Fall. I would have loved to work with him, but I worked my butt off to get in to the UT chemistry program, and I'm not about to leave it after only one year. He was super fun to talk to, and told me that if I ever wanted to vent about grad school or professors to feel free to come and talk to him. Why are you so awesome, and why are you leaving? Not cool. But, now I feel confident in the lab group I want to join. I'll announce it once I officially sign paperwork (aka, sign my life away to the advising prof for the next 5 years). Hopefully that will be tomorrow or early next week. Woohoo!

When I got home, I got ready for my first ever Zumba class with my friend Elizabeth. The class was exhausting, and I quickly learned that no matter how much rhythm I think I might have, I still move like a white girl. There is zero Latin rhythm within me. The best part was you faced a giant mirror-wall in the workout room, so everyone got to see firsthand how ridiculous they looked. And apparently some people wear little chime things around their waist during Zumba? I didn't know this. I guess it's to prove to everyone that just in case you couldn't tell, their hips are actually moving. The class was filled with women of all ages (literally, there were some late 60s ladies in there kicking butt), which was really neat to see.

The rest of my evening has been filled with Physical Organic reading and homework. Which I'll do even more of on Friday. And over the weekend. Normally I would be excited for Friday to get here as it signals the end of classes for the week. Not anymore. I have class this Saturday morning from 9 to noon. Grad school, sometimes you're hard to love.

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