Friday, September 6, 2013

Day Thirty Six

I'm introducing my roommates to Grimm right now. So far I think they're skeptical, but I trust they'll get on board with me eventually. We just got back from a roommate date to Alamo Drafthouse, where you watch a movie and are served dinner at the same time. It was a great way to end the week. We saw the movie The Butler, which was so good. How is Forest Whitaker such an amazing actor?

Today was a busy busy day. It started with a trip to the Graduate Student office in Welch Hall, where I tried and failed to figure out my health insurance. I was given the wonderful response of, "um...try enrolling again on Monday, then if it doesn't work come back." Oh so helpful. Then I turned around and saw a giant map of the US showing where the past 3 years of graduate students have come from. Check out who's all by herself in the northwest?

Look at my lonely little yellow flag.

Here's a close-up. I know, they put my flag in Seattle, I'm going to have
to go in on Monday and fix it.

Then, lunch with my friend Natalie! I've eaten lunch alone for the past 2 weeks, so it was great to have some company. She's also a PhD student at UT, but in the speech-language pathology. We went to the new student union on campus and got some Chick-Fil-A, which I'm sure makes my brother extremely jealous. It was delicious. We just sat and talked for 2 hours, and it was super nice to have some non-chemistry conversation. But, the moment ended when I had to go to class.

After class - doctor appointment! The office is in this giant complex of buildings, and I ended up going in two wrong buildings before I found the right one. I'm sure people were looking out the windows at me going, "well, this is obviously her first time here." The doctor was super nice though, I felt instantly comfortable around him which was a relief. I hate breaking in new doctors. Now if only I could get my new insurance to go through...

Guess what I have tomorrow? Saturday class! I know, you're all jealous, I would be too. Then I'm watching some UT football on TV while doing homework. At least the day will (hopefully) end on a high note.

Here's Otter, using Ally as a resting place.

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