Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day Thirty One

Today was spent recovering from yesterday. I woke up and was still completely exhausted from the tailgate and the game, so I spent most of the time on the couch either reading or kind of aimlessly staring. And drinking lots of water. It was 104 degrees at the tailgate, and still 100 degrees at kickoff. I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my entire life. I drank about 8 bottles of lukewarm (ugh) water, but at $4 per cold water I saved $30. Definitely worth the lukewarm sacrifice. 

My day yesterday started pretty low-key. I slept in, made a trip to Target where I found season one of Grimm on sale (SCORE), and had some lunch. I thought I still had about two hours before heading out to campus for tailgate until I got frantic calls from a couple people telling me I better leave now if I want to have any prayer of finding parking close by. Well, I left, and successfully navigated my way to the parking lot recommended to me by a family friend. The lot was almost completely empty. Whew, glad I left so early! Tailgate was already well under way though, so I had something to occupy my time. And tailgate was fun. Lots of people and food and band members. I miss band people, having to stop band after high school made me so sad. And Bob Avant was there for Alumni Band, so it was fun hanging out with him as well. Thank you Natalie for inviting me! I'm already excited to tailgate next home game. But if we could, let's make sure it isn't 104 degrees outside. Is that possible?

The UT football stadium? Gigantic. Seriously gigantic. 100,119 capacity gigantic. And I had awesome seats and one of my favorite people attending the game with me. My cousin, Josh! He grew up in the south, and while he may not have attended UT, he definitely bleeds burnt orange. The first half was...not impressive. New Mexico State scored first, and we threw 2 interceptions and fumbled a couple times. Thankfully we scored twice before half time, but some of us (all of us) were getting a little worried. Then second half came, and we dominated. Literally dominated. 42 unanswered points for UT, it was so awesome. I didn't realize that a cannon is blown every time UT scores, and it scared the bejeezus out of me every single time. There's also a million different little rituals that fans do in the stadium, hopefully I'll learn at least some of them by the end of the season. I just throw my horns up and hope it's good.

I have no school tomorrow! And now that I'm fully recovered from the madness that was a UT home game, I can actually be productive. Gym, we haven't seen each other for a while. I plan to remedy that tomorrow. Then I'll engage in some thrilling textbook reading, which if I'm honest with myself, will likely lead to a nap. Who needs sleep aids when you have textbooks? The answer is no one.

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