Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day Forty Two

I had my first official office hour today as a TA. And someone actually came to me for help. This made me happy, and not nearly as cranky as I was earlier at having to get up early and sit through traffic. Then I had two and a half hours until class. So of course, I spent my time the way anyone else would, reading a physical organic textbook. I was actually planning on watching some Dirty Jobs on my kindle, but when I pulled it out of my backpack I realized I was stupid the night before and didn't charge it. And it was dead. And I was sad.

It was surprisingly pleasant outside today at lunchtime. It took me off guard. I'm not used to Texas weather actually being tolerable. And, I didn't even almost-fall-asleep in class today. I was pretty proud. Though I did almost fall asleep sitting at an outdoor picnic table after lunch. I wasn't so proud of that. I must have been too relaxed in the absence of oppressive weather.

The shuttle ride back to my car was once again full of baseball players, chewing their tobacco. Am I the only one that looks at tobacco chewers and thinks, "hello, mouth cancer." How very attractive. Then I looked down and realized that the girl I was sitting next to was wearing the exact same teal corduroy Toms that I was. We had a bonding moment over it.

I went to Zumba again this afternoon. I had slightly more coordination then last time. I do love how varied the class is though, with people of literally all ages and sizes taking it. From the lady next to me in full make-up to the 70 year old in the corner to the girl with down syndrome front and center (who ended up being way better at Zumba than pretty much all of us). Then the instructor started doing a bollywood dance, which confused me. How does bollywood fit in a latin dance zumba class? None of us knew what was happening, as evidenced by a lady close to me looking at us and going, "well...that was new."

Then I went to dinner with Louise Avant, and we had a grand time at Jason's Deli, which I'm pretty sure is my favorite restaurant to ever exist. Then we went to Bath and Body Works, where I'm surrounded by wonderful smells and can't leave without getting something. I ended up getting a mini-candle (actually, Louise got me the candle, because she's the best) that is scented Eucalyptus Mint. It's wonderful. Also wonderful, Kelly and I just bought tickets to see Jeff Dye at a comedy club next week. Sara Bareilles/OneRepublic one night, then Jeff Dye the next night? Next week is going to be awesome.

Dad comes to Austin tomorrow!

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