Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day Thirty Three

Today was a slooooow day. I slept in, because I just couldn't think of a good reason to go to school early. I need to enjoy these non-busy mornings while I can, because I have a feeling that soon they will be few and far between. Also, the high today was over 100 degrees again, so I avoided getting in my oven of a car as much as possible.

Class today was also good, I talked with the girl in front of me and learned that she's from Jordan and had to fly 15 hours to get to Austin. And it was her first flight ever. What a horribly long first flight! She already hates flying now, and I don't think that opinion will change any time soon. We also chatted about how each of us has moments of "I'm in graduate school? For chemistry? Why have I done this to myself?!" It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who still freaks out about this decision. Then we complained about how hot it is here. That's often where my conversations lead to. Because this oppressive heat just cannot be avoided, it is everywhere.

After class, I hopped on the shuttle to get back to my car and ended up being surrounded by UT baseball players. Considering I park by the baseball field, this wasn't overly surprising, but I definitely wasn't expecting a 6'3 guy with a plate full of pizza rolls to plop down next to me on the shuttle. They provided entertaining conversation to listen to, and they were all pretty nice. But...let's just say I don't expect to see them around my chemistry buildings anytime soon. Or ever.

Then, I made my third trip to the County Assessor's office, and thankfully things finally worked out! My car is officially a Texan. Praise the Lord, it took long enough. It was kind of bittersweet taking my Washington plates off my car though. I miss you Washington, with all your rain and water and tall trees. Seeing Texas plates on my car made everything so much more real, making the fact that I'll be living in this city for a while really sink in.

I finished up the day reading my Physical Organic textbook. And I didn't even fall asleep on top of it. I credit part of this to Otter, who just flies in to your face at full speed when you aren't expecting it. Her next session of puppy school on Saturday can't come soon enough. Until then, everyone in the house is on high alert when the dog is inside, because you just never know what's going to happen.

I miss my family. And my dog (not so much the cat). And my hometown. And my friends. I love you all, and wish you all could have just come to Austin with me. Could we make this happen? Let me know.

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