Monday, September 23, 2013

Day Fifty Three

I should have known that such an awesome end of week/weekend last week would result in a horrible Monday. It started off with an early morning email from a professor whose group I was hoping to join, letting me know that things fell through with his funding and he can't accept me into his group after all. And back to square one it is, after two weeks of not pursuing other groups thinking this one would work out. Fantastic. I was pretty much a whirlwind of cranky frustration for the rest of the day. I emailed four professors to ask about the status of their groups (whether they were full, if they wanted an analytical student, etc), and two have replied so far. One responded with a "well...I don't know...funding is bad...", while the other responded with an extremely snarky reply that left me relieved that I didn't try to go talk to him in person. Mood = worsened.

Then I had class. Then I had my lab I TA, where within the first 15 minutes a guy broke a volumetric pipet in half. Whoa, what? How does one even do that? The only thing I can think of is he had a death grip on it, then tried to bend it. Even though it's made out of glass. And extremely expensive. Well done, student. Well done. Then I had four students go, "oh, we need to turn lab reports in each week?" Let me remind you, these are all juniors and seniors, who have taken may labs before. This day was just ridiculous as a whole.

So, when I got home and decided I was still too cranky to make dinner, my roommate Kelly and I went to Whataburger. Then I went to the Starbucks next door and got myself chocolate covered graham crackers, because I earned them today.

Let's all hope tomorrow is better.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer day today Allie. The week can only get better, right? You WILL find the right spot to land at. Hang in there! Love, Dad
