Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day Fifty Five

I have my first exam tomorrow night, and just like all my exams in undergrad, I don't feel anywhere near ready. Not a good feeling at all. Wish me luck, I think I'm going to need it.

I've been studying and grading all day (again, just like yesterday), and I'm finally almost done with grading all the lab reports from the lab I TA. Let's just say the scores aren't stellar so far, and this PhD comic began to feel real appropriate for the situation.

For any of you continuing to follow the saga that is me trying to find a research group, I got leads on two different potential groups today, so things are looking up. I'm going to a group meeting for one them tomorrow (when I should be studying...ugh), and hopefully that goes well.

I have an early office hour tomorrow, which will be followed by more studying, the group meeting, a nap, more studying, proctoring an exam, then finally my own exam. It'll be a busy, not at all relaxing day. Can't wait.

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