Friday, October 25, 2013

Day Eighty Five

This morning, I spent four hours grading the same question on 70 exams. It was mind-numbing, and in the words of a fellow grader, "I want to die." It was ridiculous, but it's over. Then I graded lab reports for another hour later in the day. It was just a day of docking points, which was fine for me but probably won't be enjoyable for the people getting the grades. Oh well.

Class was comical, once again. Our professor started talking about detecting heavy metals in marijuana plants grown on an old army battle ground (I'm still not sure how he got off on this particular tangent), but when someone said, "Wait, you're growing a marijuana farm on military ground?" and the professor replied, "Don't worry, we're in Washington." Everyone laughed, I just shook my head and looked at my feet. Oh Washington, you follow me everywhere I go.

I shadowed some more today and got to watch laser fabrication for the first time, which was pretty awesome. Everyone cross your fingers that next week I'll finally be able to join this group.

It was dinner time by the time I finished shadowing, so I meandered over to the Union to get some Quiznos, only to find out that all the restaurants in the union close early on Fridays. Ridiculous. Luckily the Drag across the street had a local sandwich place called Potbelly's that was even more delicious then Quiznos. And it was really cool looking on the inside.


After dinner, I went to a pumpkin-carving party at a fellow first year's apartment, which was really fun. I met some new people, ate some good food, and carved a pretty fantastic pumpkin.

Skeleton face pumpkin!

On a final note, our neighbors are having what appears to be an epic Halloween party that we weren't invited to. Bummer. But the outside of their house is pretty impressive.

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