Monday, October 14, 2013

Day Seventy Four

Good news - I was worried that the roads would be flooded and I wouldn't be able to get to campus today, but they weren't and I made it just fine! Yay!

Bad news - My car decided to flood instead. Not cool. And not the surprise I was expecting or hoping to get this morning. Lots of towels later, I drove to campus with my air on full blast, parked in a garage, and hoped things wouldn't get too smelly by the time I was done with lab at 5pm. Thankfully they didn't, and now the blueberry is parked in the garage with all the windows down and a giant fan pointed inside. How did that car not flood once while I was in Washington, but it does in Texas? That just doesn't make any sense at all.

Thankfully the rest of the day went pretty well, with my advanced analytical professor providing comic relief (as usual). But also as usual, he ran over time, and I had to sprint to my lab that started in less than 5 minutes. And...we had our first week with no broken glassware! Hallelujah! Unfortunately one of the students started unknowingly dismantling an instrument, to which the lab director said "Well...that's a first." Don't worry, I scolded him about not asking me when he was unsure of how to load a sample. And thankfully it was easily fixed.

I keep forgetting to post this photo from this weekend. So, two days late, here's a photo from the wedding that Kelly and I went to last weekend.

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