Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day Eighty Four

I was on campus from 9am to 5:45pm today. In other words, I drove to campus in morning traffic, and drove home in evening traffic. Timed to perfection. But I also timed my snacking perfectly so I didn't starve before getting home for dinner. Dinner at home = saved money = happy budget.

Office hours this morning were uneventful. No one showed up, but it gave me time to do some grading, which I guess was good. Then I ate lunch at a table in the covered NHB patio with a friend of mine who asked me about the "University of Pudget Sound." That made me laugh real hard, as he pronounced it just the way I typed it. It was nice comic relief before I went to Physical Organic lecture. It's a good thing I bought that recorder, because I've been so exhausted today that even while I was in class I wasn't fully comprehending what he was saying. It was extremely frustrating on my part, but I felt better knowing I could at least go back and listen to it again later. Whew!

Then I shadowed a 5th year researcher for 2 1/2 hours, which was fun. Lots of standing and waiting was involved, but the work was interesting and the people in lab are really nice, so I enjoyed it. And hopefully it put me one step closer to actually joining the lab, which would be superb.

After shadowing, it was time to proctor an undergrad exam. So...more standing and waiting while staring down 70 undergrads to make sure no one tried to cheat. I have to help grade said exam tomorrow morning, which will probably take 3+ hours. And each grader is assigned one question, so it'll be 3+ hours of staring at the same question over and over again. Should be a super good time.

I'm sitting on the couch, and all I can think about is my upcoming exam on Monday, just looming like a black cloud over my head. I have to do well on this one after the sub-sub-par performance on the last one. I'm kind of terrified. Which means it's time to stop writing for tonight and go study.

Tomorrow = grading, class, more grading, shadowing, halloween party with fellow first year doctoral students. So it'll start slow, but hopefully end with a bang (and an awesome carved pumpkin).

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